Author: CNU LRC
CNU-VSMMC’s Freshmen Library Orientation
Embarking on a medical odyssey through knowledge at CNU-VSMMC’s freshmen library orientation. Here’s to illuminating paths and brilliant futures! #libraryorientation2023 #cnulrc #COMlibraryorientation
We are looking for Student Assistants
The Learning Resource Center is in need of responsible and hardworking student assistants. If you’re interested you may submit a copy of your study load and an application letter (addressed to Mrs. Mary Jhoanne dela Cruz, Head Librarian) at
Library staff meeting for incoming 1st Semester A.Y. 2023-2024
Championing your academic voyage with open hearts and open books, we’re excited to be your partners in learning once again! We’re ready to serve #LibraryTeam #cnulrc #libstaffmeeting
Library Instruction session of the Faculty members of College of Nursing
Empowering Nursing Education through Knowledge Exploration! The College of Nursing embarked on a library instruction session, led by the Head Librarian, Ms. Mary Jhoanne De la Cruz. This insightful activity was an essential component of their CN Course Audit, Curriculum Continue Reading
Library Instruction of the Faculty members of College of Teacher Education
“ Embracing Knowledge and Growth! The faculty members of the College of Teacher Education had a valuable library instruction session with the Head Librarian, Ms. Mary Jhoanne De la Cruz, as part of their Mid-Year Performance Evaluation and Planning. Let’s Continue Reading
Visitors from Eastern Samar State University, Maydolong Campus
Our 3rd Visitors for today, Faculties of the Eastern Samar State University, Maydolong Campus. Thank you for visiting CNU-LRC!