Category: Service Advisory

2nd Floor Modernization Updates
The modernization project in the Learning Resources Center has almost completed, particularly at the 2nd level of the library building. For more updates visit our official Facebook page https://web.facebook.com/CNULib Conference Room Reference Area Head Librarian’s Office Graduate School Library Discussion Continue Reading

LRC’s Information Literacy Webinar Series: on Accessing Electronic Resources (EBSCO)
LRC’s Information Literacy Webinar Series We are inviting CNU Faculty, Students and Staff to join LRC’s Information Literacy Webinar Series on Accessing Electronic Resources (EBSCO). This is in response to your information needs while we continue to navigate this unprecedented Continue Reading

Library Service Advisory
Please disregard the previous post re: schedule of services Starting March 19, 2020 CNU LEARNING RESOURCE CENTER IS CLOSED- until further notice You can visit or website to access free databases https://library.cnu.edu.ph/ https://library.cnu.edu.ph/…/free-databases-during-covid19-…/ https://library.cnu.edu.ph/open-access/ Stay at home and be safe Continue Reading

Holiday Announcement
HOLIDAY ANNOUNCEMENT! University library will be closed on Monday, August 26, 2019. NATIONAL HEROES DAY. A Regular Holiday by virtue of Proclamation No. 555.

Service Advisory
SERVICE ADVISORY University Library will be CLOSED on Friday April 5, 2019. To give way to the In-Service Training for the library Support Staff. Service will resume the following day!