Electronic Databases

Access to Electronic Resources – Materials in digital format accessible online/remotely (e.g. E-Books, E-journals, Articles etc.)

To Request access to our subscribe e-resources just fill-up form  https://library.cnu.edu.ph/e-resources-request-form/

EBSCO –  is an intuitive online research platform used by thousands of institutions and millions of users worldwide. With quality databases and search features, EBSCOhost helps researchers of all kinds find the information they need fast. Link : http://search.ebscohost.com


ScienceDirect  – provides access to more than 16 million articles, 2,500 journals, 370 full open access journals, 39,000 books and 330,000 topic pages to help researchers discover more insights, achieve more breakthroughs and move their research forward.


Ovid (Nursing E-Journal) – Comprehensive Nursing and Allied Health Solution. A comprehensive, integrated nursing & allied health portal for practice, education, research, and administration. The Ovid Nursing e-Journals Package offers a wide and growing range of high-quality bibliographic and full-text resources from numerous premium publishers for the nursing and allied health communities – in education and training, in practice, in research and in administration.


Proquest– Empower your researchers with less time spent searching for information and more time devoted to research. ProQuest databases provides a single source for scholarly journals, newspapers, reports, working papers, and datasets along with millions of pages of digitized historical primary sources and more than 450,000 ebooks. Renowned abstracting and indexing makes this information easily navigable, while content tools, including instant bibliography and citation generators, simplify management and sharing of research.

Open Access Databases – are additional resources that are freely available in the internet. To provide additional sources of information for researchers. These are evaluated by the e-resources librarian to make sure reliable databases are being added.


OER – compilation of Open Educational Resources “The term “Open Educational Resource(s)” / OER refers to educational resources (lesson plans, quizzes, syllabi, instructional modules, simulations, etc.) that are freely available for use, reuse, adaptation, and sharing.”


Filipiniana open & free accessis a compilation of Filipiniana E-resources. Filipiniana collection  covers resources produced by Filipino authors or by foreign authors that deal with the Philippines, it could be literature written in any language in the Philippines or a foreign language or dialect.


Newspaper Clippings – are cut-out article and were digitized from a paper publication in local and national newspapers subscribed by CNU. Periodical librarian selects relevant articles related to the programs/courses offered by the university and other current issues of our country.