FREE books in learning, teaching and teacher education from Springer

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Click the image below to download Free ebooks in Learning, Teaching and Teacher Education from:

The Models of Engaged Learning and Teaching

Empowering Teacher to Build a Better World

Teaching for Excellence and Equity

School Leadership and Educational Change in Singapore

School Leadership and Educational Change…

Collaborative Curriculum Design for Sustainable Innovation and Teacher Learning

Collaborative Curriculum Design for Sustainable…

Play-Responsive Teaching in Early Childhood Education

Play-Responsive Teaching in Early Childhood Education

Diversity and Inclusion in Global Higher Education Lessons from Across Asia

Diversity and Inclusion in Global Higher…

Educational Technology A Primer for the 21st Century

Educational Technology A Primer

The Cold War in the Classroom International Perspectives on Textbooks and Memory Practices

The Cold War in the Classroom

Computational Thinking Education

Computational Thinking Education

International Reflections on the Netherlands Didactics of Mathematics

International Reflections on the…

Visions for Intercultural Music Teacher Education EditorsHeidi WesterlundSidsel KarlsenHeidi Partti

Visions for Intercultural Music Teacher…

Conferencing and Presentation English for Young Academics, Authors Michael Guest

Conferencing and Presentation English…

Educating Students to Improve the World by Fernando M. Reimers

Educating Students to Improve the World

Future Skills, Lernen der Zukunft - Hochschule der Zukunft

Future Skills, Lernen der Zukunft  

Intercultural Dialogue in the European Education Policies : A Conceptual Approach

Intercultural Dialogue in the European…

Conceptualizing Environmental Citizenship for 21st Century Education, Editors Andreas Ch. HadjichambisPedro ReisDemetra Paraskeva-HadjichambiJan ČinčeraJelle Boeve-de PauwNiklas GerickeMarie-Christine Knippels

Conceptualizing Environmental Citizenship

Successful Global Collaborations in Higher Education Institutions, Editors Abdulrahman AI-YoubiAdnan H. M. ZahedWilliam G. Tierney

Successful Global Collaborations in Higher…

Preparing for Life in a Digital World IEA International Computer and Information Literacy Study 2018 International Report. Julian Fraillon ;John Ainley; Wolfram Schulz; Tim Friedman and Daniel Duckworth

Preparing for Life in a Digital World

The Responsible University : Exploring the Nordic Context and Beyond. Editors Mads P. Sørensen, Lars Geschwind, Jouni Kekäle, Rómulo Pinheiro

The Responsible University : Exploring the …

Sustainability, Human Well-Being, and the Future of Education. Editor Justin W. Cook

Sustainability, Human Well-Being…

Gender Differences in Computer and Information Literacy : An In-depth Analysis of Data from ICILS by Eveline Gebhardt, Sue ThomsonJohn Ainley, Kylie Hillman

Gender Differences in Computer and…

Open and Distance Education in Asia, Africa and the Middle East: National Perspectives in a Digital Age. Editors Olaf Zawacki-Richter and Adnan Qayyum

Open and Distance Education in Asia…

Open and Distance Education in Australia, Europe and the Americas : National Perspectives in a Digital Age. Editors Adnan QayyumOlaf,Zawacki-Richter

Open and Distance Education in Australia…

The Change Laboratory for Teacher Training in Entrepreneurship Education : A New Skills Agenda for Europe. by Daniele Morselli

The Change Laboratory for Teacher…

Socioeconomic Inequality and Educational Outcomes : Evidence from Twenty Years of TIMSS

Socioeconomic Inequality and Educational…

Higher Education in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Editor Nancy W. Gleason

Higher Education in the Era of the Fourth…

Becoming Citizens in a Changing World : IEA International Civic and Citizenship Education Study 2016 International Report by Wolfram Schulz, John Ainley, Julian Fraillon, Bruno Losito, Gabriella Agrusti, Tim Friedman

Becoming Citizens in a Changing…

European Higher Education Area: The Impact of Past and Future Policies. Adrian Curaj, Ligia Deca, Remus Pricopie

European Higher Education Area

The Governing-Evaluation-Knowledge Nexus: Swedish Higher Education as a Case

The Governing-Evaluation-Knowledge Nexus…

Audacious Education Purposes : How Governments Transform the Goals of Education Systems

Audacious Education Purposes : How Gov…

Understanding China’s School Leadership Interpreting the Terminology by Daming Feng

Understanding China’s School Leadership…

Children's Exploration and Cultural Formation. editor Mariane HedegaardElin and Eriksen Ødegaard

Children’s Exploration and Cultural..

Research Methods for Social Justice and Equity in Education

Research Methods for Social Justice…

Education and Development in Colonial and Postcolonial Africa

Education and Development in Colonial…

Theoretical and Practical Advances in Computer-based Educational Measurement

Theoretical and Practical Advances in Computer…

The A-Z of the PhD Trajectory : A Practical Guide for a Successful Journey by Eva O. L. Lantsoght

The A-Z of the PhD Trajectory


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