Day: March 23, 2020
CNU Cares!
Cebu Normal University, in its quest for relevance amidst difficult times brought about by calamities and disasters and being true to its vision of helping build a strong nation, establishes the Innovative CNU Assistance and Relief Effort (iCARE) program. This Continue Reading
CNU is adopting a work-from-home scheme for its employees
In light of the confirmed case in Cebu and in consideration of the welfare of the non-teaching personnel, CNU is adopting a work-from-home scheme for its employees. You may still reach our internal offices through their emails. Please visit #stayhomestaysafe Continue Reading
CNU-SSC Student Communication Center!
Good afternoon, Normalites! The council has made an initiative to create the CNU-SSC Student Communication Center! This program serves as a direct link with the students in order to voice out their concerns towards the administration in the midst of COVID-19. Continue Reading
Free Access to Scribd digital library of ebooks and audiobooks
Request your 30 days free trial: A letter from our CEO, Trip Adler: With millions of people around the globe staying close to home to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19, access to books and information is more Continue Reading