Bloomsbury Collection E-Book Subscriptions

Below are the Lists of Ebook subscriptions from Bloomsbury collection, for perpetual access. Click on the title or the book cover image to access the full text and download it. Access and downloading of these E-books are on-site or within the CNU campus network, only/IP authenticated


1. Luis Banegas, D. (2020). Content Knowledge in English Language Teacher Education: International Experiences. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
2. Sakr, M., Federici, R., Hall, N. (2018). Creativity and Making in Early Childhood: Challenging Practitioner Perspectives. London: Bloomsbury Academic. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
3.  Cranmer, S. (2021). Disabled Children and Digital Technologies: Learning in the Context of Inclusive Education. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
4. Johnston, J.S. (2019). Problems in Philosophy of Education: A Systematic Approach. London: Bloomsbury Academic. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
5. Kilvington, J., & Wood, A. (2017). Reflective Playwork: For All Who Work with Children. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
6. Hedegaard, M., & Edwards, A. (2019). Supporting Difficult Transitions: Children, Young People and Their Carers. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
7.  Burden, K. (Eds.).Naylor, A. (Eds.). (2019). Transforming Teacher Education with Mobile Technologies. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
8. Whong, M., & Godfrey, J. (Eds.). (2020). What Is Good Academic Writing?: Insights into Discipline-Specific Student Writing (New Perspectives for English for Academic Purposes). London,: Bloomsbury Academic.
9. Tarozzi, M. (2020). What is Grounded Theory?. London: Bloomsbury Academic.